Digital Health

Over the last few years, Future Healthcare has been a leader in transformation procedures in the market, with the introduction of new services and coverages. From a clinical standpoint, we seek to ensure a greater follow-up of all beneficiaries, investing in the development of programmes of prevention and the promotion of health.  With this in mind, we have developed a service line – Digital Health– aimed at developing integrated solutions to digitalising care, facilitating interface among customers, providers and payers, in order to democratise quality, humane, precise and sustainable integrated care.

Developing these services and including them in the products being marketed by our Corporate Customers will provide:

  • Access to health care in a digital format, ensuring the maximum convenience and quality in the health care provided;
  • Developing a healthier lifestyle within the portfolio being managed;
  • Monitoring and follow-up of the health status of each of the Insured Persons, providing a diagnosis of any possible illness at an initial stage, leading to treatments that are less invasive, more effective and less expensive;
  • Improving the perception that Insured Persons have regarding their Health or Life Insurance, since different services are being included that people value in the benefit plan;
  • Potential reduction in the rate of accidents, which will contribute to greater profitability of the product.


Telemedicine, Tele-health and Wellness
Nowadays, in a modern society that is increasingly digitalised, consumer preferences in matters of health have suffered a profound transformation. Future Healthcare has invested strongly in the area of Digital Health, which has video consultation as its first solution. This service consists of a consultation provided by video, staffed by general and family practitioners or specialists in other areas, in circumstances that do not require an on-site examination. The customer is merely required to bring a smartphone, computer or tablet with a camera and Internet access.

In this context, Future Healthcare positions itself as a strategic partner, bringing together the technological and clinical component in a digital and integrated platform that includes all of the features needed for a holistic use by the various segments involved in the process – Customers, Healthcare providers and Insurance Companies and Health Systems.

This video consultation service is programmed and its main indications are related to the follow-up of customers, especially in managing chronic illness, post-operative monitoring, evaluating additional examinations and answering questions.

Health Risk Assessment
Also, in the context of the investment Future Healthcare has been making in the digital area, we should mention the management platform itself, modular and integrated, which is at the heart of its activity. This digital platform, through innovative tools, facilitates conducting research on the clinical situation and the risk profile of the customer, in order to activate mechanisms of disease prevention and methods to promote health.

This feature is already integrated in some of the operations critical to the activity of the assumed customer, in the sense of tracing his risk profile and, thus developing personalised profiles for clinical follow-up and methods for the prevention and promotion of health.

The risk profile analysis allows Future Healthcare to make a more holistic follow-up of a particular customer, in order to issue alerts in specific conditions, namely in the follow-up of chronically ill patients.
Patient Relationship Management
From the beginning, Future Healthcare has placed the satisfaction of its customers at the centre of its business model, through excellent service that ensures the best conditions of health, life and well-being. The tools that are configured on its digital platform, strengthened by the investment in telemedicine, allow more effective management of the relationship with the customer.

Future Healthcare has been investing in its digital infrastructure, more specifically in business intelligence tools and big data analytics, with a view to bringing greater innovation and efficiency to methods of follow-up for their customers, increasing the satisfaction that they feel with the services for which they signed up and, naturally, maximising their health and quality of life.

This profound awareness regarding the needs and expectations of their customers, brought about by the ability to collect, analyse and handle data, along with the multidisciplinary clinical skills of Future Healthcare’s medical team, promotes the development of personalised services to meet the needs of the clinical situation and the very risk profile of each customer, adding to the value that he obtains from his consumer experience.
Remote Monitoring
In the context of its Virtual Clinic, through which it offers innovative solutions in the telemedicine area, such as the video consultation service, Future Healthcare is able to promote other value-added services, such as remote monitoring of the clinical situation of its customers, ensuring a relationship of proximity that maximises their health and their quality of life. 

This remote monitoring feature, intimately linked to a digital investment that meets the needs and expectations of the modern customer, allows, based on the profile of each customer, customised solutions to be recommended that help in the development of specialised programmes, with more effective, less invasive and less expensive treatments.

The benefits that this feature offers to the segments that are involved in its use are various and are related to the optimisation of medical resources and better clinical management, with the profitability of the health products, the increase in the technical results of the companies that market them and, fundamentally, with the improvements at the level of the health and well-being of the customer himself.